Friday, January 13, 2012


Forgiveness never came easy from me. That didn't used to bother me, but the older I get the more I'd like that to change. Oh, sure... at times I will act as though I turned the other cheek. More times than not, however, it's a lie. I guess I started doing it as a "fake it 'till ya make it" manuever... but at the end of the day it's a lie. It probably has more to do with how I'd like to be perceived than what is actually in my heart. BUT... forgiveness does make me happy. Have you ever truly forgiven someone and then just felt that burden lift from your heart like a 90 ton weight? It's freeing. It really is. Being forgiven makes me happy as well... though I won't pretend for a minute that I am any better at forgiving myself than I am others. And still... it's a wonderful gift. Hopefully you can forgive ME for my absence... again! LOL

Friday, April 29, 2011


Some days just call for a nap! There's little as refreshing for the spirit as a good power nap. I actually know nothing of that glorious 20-30 minute thing most people find so restorative... instead, if I am exhausted enough to give in and lay down, there had better be a good hr MINIMUM for me to sleep or it's just plain torture! That being said, naps are good. Good for us. Good for our kids. Good for our society. I think we'd all be alot happier if the US would adopt the siesta. I mean, honestly.... we are SOOOO close to Mexico here in Texas... I don't know why we don't have them. If half of all printed literature around here - including street signs in some places - are printed in English AND Spanish, then I think adopting siestas a cultural norm is only fair. I'm just sayin'. Naps make me happy. :o)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dogs At Play

Today's happy thought brought to you courtesy of Georgie Girl & Rikki : Dogs at play! I don't think there's a soul in the world that can't feel happiness when watching dogs play. It's impossible! They get all spun up and run around and play fight... it's greatness! Happy pooches make me happy!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Today I picked up 7 items at the store for my son for winter. This spree cost me a whopping $30. That's less than $5/item.... for really nice stuff! I honestly could not have gone to Walmart and purchased the number of items I got today for that amount - and all of this clothing was very well made. That makes me HAPPY. Happiness is a bargain! :o)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Jimmy Buffett

As I drove away from a very successful meeting today I turned on the radio. Through my speakers came a melody that has served many times as a pick me up.... not to mention a good partner to a cold adult beverage! It was Margaritaville. Jimmy Buffett makes me happy. It's impossible to not be happy when his tunes are on. They are the soundtrack to a million great times in my life. My husband may not understand it... there's no way to explain it. I was raised on Buffett, but even I probably didn't properly appreciate his music until I went to a concert w/ my parents at 18. It's lifestyle music... and if there was one lifestyle I'd like to choose to live forever it would be the beach bum lifestyle! :o)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Fortune Cookies!

Tonight I got a little lazy... surprise, surprise! I decided that it was an excellent night for sushi since it's Good Friday and I was beat. As I sat at the counter contemplating my selection the guy came over and offered me a sample and also offered a fortune cookie to Mason... and, oh how he lit up with delight when found the message inside. So, today's happy thought: fortune cookies! I mean, really.... who doesn't love them? Who is NOT delighted by a fortune cookie?! Happiness is everywhere, I tell ya!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I met with a friend tonight for dinner. I had totally forgotten that she hadn't been able to give me my birthday present months ago.... so it was a complete surprise tonight when she handed me a card and box! Eeek! I love surprises! It was so exciting to get a gift card for a shoe store I love! And for women... happiness IS a great pair of shoes!